INTERREG Euro-MED – 2nd Call for Proposals


The call is targeted to thematic projects focused on the “Smarter and Greener Mediterranean” Programme priorities and their related specific objectives:

1. Smarter Mediterranean:

  • 1.1 “Developing and enhancing research and innovation capacities and the uptake of advanced technologies”.

2. Greener Mediterranean:

  • 2.6 “Promoting the transition to a circular and resource-efficient economy”,
  • 2.4 “Promoting climate change adaptation and disaster risk prevention, resilience, taking into account eco-system-based approaches”,
  • 2.7 “Enhancing protection and conservation of nature, biodiversity and green infrastructure including in urban areas and reducing all forms of pollution”.

The call adresses:

  • 3 types of projects: study, test and transfer projects. You can find a definition of the project types here.
  • All the thematic missions tackled by the Programme. For this reason, the candidates must choose one mission to focus their project on. There is one term of reference per mission.

We highly recommend you to read the Cooperation Programme and the Programme Manual in the Documents & Tools section to learn more about the Programme’s priorities and missions.

Deadline to submit your application:  27th October 2022 at 13:00 (Brussels time).



In order to support the future applicants in writing their project proposal and inspiring them, the JS is organising a series of events. The information session on the 2nd call for proposals was held on 23rd June in Limassol (Cyprus) and online: 23rd June – Information Session


They aim at supporting applicants in building their project proposal. Click on the event you wish to participate in to register:

7th July – Building your Partnership & Logical framework, Indicators

8th September – Drafting your Work Plan and the Mandatory activities

22th September – Buidling your budget / Eligibility of expenditures

6th October – Questions & Answers


4 September 2022